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The Benefits Of An Upgraded Networking Installation

Boost The Performance Of Your San Jose, CA Home’s Network

The Benefits Of An Upgraded Networking Installation

Have you been experiencing inconsistent Internet service since giving your home a smart technology upgrade? Smart devices like TVs, wireless speakers, motorized shades, lights, thermostats, locks, and surveillance cameras all rely on your home network to function and communicate with your home automation system, which puts a lot of strain on your bandwidth.

That strain only increases as new smart appliances like refrigerators and washing machines enter the home, and if you don’t have a strong Internet connection, these devices aren’t going to operate correctly. All of these different smart home components also create new vulnerable points in your network that require fortified security measures so your family’s information isn’t at risk. A professional networking installation from the specialists at Western Audio Video gives your home a robust, secure internet connection that saves you from the headaches of spotty service. Keep reading to learn about how this service can benefit your San Jose, CA home.


Determine Your Unique Network Demands

Caught up in the excitement of adding automated technology to their homes, many people don’t realize just how much pressure these devices are putting on their network by connecting to the internet simultaneously all day long. When you combine that with the bandwidth used by smartphones, tablets, and computers downloading HD content on Wi-Fi, you have a recipe for sluggish connection speeds.

The first step of Western Audio Video’s networking installation is evaluating all the connections in your home to show you how much stress your network is under and what are the best solutions to ensure that all of your technology works the way it should. Part of that is figuring out what devices need to use Wi-Fi and which ones can use wired connections so not everything relies on wireless communication. To boost your Wi-Fi performance, we'll find the right number of routers and access points to give your home full wireless coverage, even in outdoor spaces. For stationary technology that doesn’t need Wi-Fi, we’ll make the necessary wired connections, which take a bit longer to install but require far less maintenance in the future.

Reinforce Your Security

Security should be a significant concern for all smart homeowners. Each new connection point between your smart devices and network puts your family's information at risk, which is why we add multiple levels of network encryption and firewalls to protect your data from cybercriminals looking to take advantage of those weak spots. 

With our monitoring and support services, you no longer have to worry about sharing any sensitive information digitally. We keep a close eye on our clients’ networks and jump into action if there are any potential threats. This monitoring also helps keep your connection strong, and we can remotely make adjustments that resolve network issues before you even notice a problem.

To learn more about what our networking installation can do for your San Jose, CA home, reach out to our experts by calling (877) 747-9447, filling out our online contact form, or by sending a message in the live chat window at the bottom of your screen.


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