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Now More Than Ever, You Need a Robust Home Network

Ensure Your Home Network Can Support Your Increased Online Activity

Now More Than Ever, You Need a Robust Home Network

A professional networking installation from a networking expert will ensure that your network is robust enough to keep up with increasing demands. When you partner with a professional networking installation expert, you will gain peace of mind knowing that your network can handle your increased online activity. Keep reading to learn about how this service can benefit your San Jose, CA home.

SEE ALSO: Prepare for a Remote Workforce with Zoom Conferencing

The Importance of a Reliable Network

Has your internet connection been inconsistent since the pandemic started? More people are telecommuting and attending school from home than ever before. The internet has been structured to support spikes in activity during specific periods of the day, such as after work in the evenings. Now that everyone is staying home, this has drastically changed. People are regularly using the internet to do high-bandwidth activities such as teleconferencing throughout the day. When multiple people in your home are on the same network, this problem is compounded. What worked for you before might not work for you now. The world has changed, and now is the time to upgrade to a more robust home network system. You need a network that will support your entire family throughout the day so everyone can attend their meetings and classes with ease.

Upgrade Your Network Installation

Upgrading your home network will take care of sluggish speeds and create a reliable internet connection for all of your needs. The first step is to evaluate all the connections in your home to see how much stress your network is under. Do you and your spouse both need to telecommute? Are your children attending online classes? Does everyone have a smartphone or tablet that uses an internet connection?

A wired connection is more challenging to install but will require less maintenance and more reliability. A network professional will evaluate which of your devices needs a wired connection and which can rely on Wi-Fi. They will then find the right routers and access points (we use Cisco, Araknis Networks, or Ruckus equipment) and will carefully place them throughout your home so that you have full wireless coverage. They will then add multiple layers of network encryption and firewalls to ensure that your network is protected from hackers. You will enjoy long-term support so that your connection remains strong and secure.

Want to learn more about a professional and secure networking installation for your home? Western Audio Video is the premier home networking installation expert in your area! Give our team a call or fill out our online contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation with us. We’d love to hear from you.

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